National Short Story Competition Run by Northland Branch NZSA

National Short Story Competition Run by Northland Branch, NZSA (PEN Inc)

Spend winter writing short stories and enter:

NorthWrite 2018 Mini: Springing out of Winter

PRIZES: First prize –    $300 plus publication on the NorthWrite website

Second prize – Edit of a 3000 word short story.

Third prize –    $50 Book Token.




Emailed entries only.

Entry fee $15 (gst inc.) per story.

Word limit 1500 words.

Only previously unpublished work will be considered

Your name, address, title and contact telephone number to be put in

the body of an email with your story attached as an rtf or docx file only.

Please do not include your name on your story since entries will be judged

anonymously. Any story not in an rtf or docx format or with your name on

will be disqualified. Standard manuscript presentation conventions apply

(1.5 spacing, 12 font, indented paragraphs etc,)

Email to

Entry fees can be paid into the branch account, either through internet banking or

at any ANZ branch.

NZSA-Northland Branch

ANZ 06 0493 0251640 00

Code SSComp.

Reference: First & Last Name.


Closing date, 31 July 2018

The winners will be announced on 1st September.