The New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc)

Our Mission

The right to freedom of expression | Te mōtika ki te mana whiri whakapuaki

The right to fair reward | Te mōtika ki te utu tōkeke

The New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc) is the principal representative for the professional interests of writers. Protecting basic rights to freedom of expression, working to improve income and conditions, promoting Aotearoa New Zealand writing and literary culture. Developing and creating a community for writers.

Ko Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa The New Zealand Society of Authors (PEN NZ Inc) ko te māngai matua mō ngā aronga ngaio o te kaituhi.
Ko tāna, he tiaki i ngā tika tūāpapa mō te manawhiri whakapuaki, he whai kia whakapai ake i te utu, i te taiao mahi, he whakatairanga i te ahurea o te tuhi me te mātātuhi o Aotearoa. He whakaahu, he auaha hoki i tētahi hapori kaituhi.

nz books

Join us

Join the New Zealand Society of Authors to build on your skills, grow your career, find connections and make a difference for writers in Aotearoa!

Our Writers
Ō Mātou Kaituhi

The New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc) has been representing the interests of NZ writers since 1934. We are a community of writers who are proud to include some of New Zealand’s finest writers as members. NZSA fights for freedom of expression through our affiliation to PEN International.

Mai i te tau 1934 te tū a Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa The New Zealand Society of Authors (PEN NZ Inc) hei māngai mō ngā aronga ngaio o ngā kaituhi o Aotearoa. He hapori kaituhi mātou me tō mātou whakahīhī hoki e tae rā anō ana ngā mema ki ngā kaituhi kairangi nō roto o Aotearoa nei. Mā te tūhono ki PEN International ka pakanga ai Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa mō te manawhiri whakapuaki.

Ngā Peka

Our eight branches from Northland to Southland offer the opportunity to network with other writers, attend workshops, take part in seminars, enjoy social events, learn aspects of the craft of writing, enter branch specific competitions, and participate in decision-making about the Society.

Tukuna ai e ō mātou peka e waru, mai i Te Hiku o te Ika tae rā anō ki Te Taurapa o Te Waka ngā āheinga ki te kōtuitui ki ērā atu kaituhi, ki te tae atu ki ngā awheawhe, ki te whai wāhi ki ngā wānanga, waihoki te pārekareka i ngā huihuinga, kia ākona he āhuatanga o ngā pūkenga tuhi, ki te uru atu ki ngā whakataetae ā-peka, ā, ki te whai wāhi ki ngā tukanga whakatau e pā ana ki Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa.

Membership Benefits – Ngā Painga ā-Mematanga

We represent writers of all genres and formats at all stages of their career. We offer information services, professional development programmes, advice and advocacy, awards, grants, residencies and fellowships, promotional opportunities and members discounts

He māngai mātou mō ngā kaituhi ahakoa te tūmomo, ahakoa hoki te whakatakoto, ahakoa te roa o te mahi. Tukuna ai e mātou ngā ratonga mōhiohio, ngā kaupapa whakawhanake ngaio, ngā kupu āwhina me te kōkiri hoki, ngā whakawhiwhinga, ngā karāti, ngā nōhanga tohunga kaituhi me ngā whakawhiwhinga tūranga, ngā āheinga whakatairanga, ngā pārongo me ngā whakahounga, ka mutu, ko ngā whakahekenga utu ā-mematanga.

Te Kaituhi Māori

Te Kaituhi Māori is an exciting evolving space designed to bring together, support, and uplift the voices of kaituhi Māori from across the motu.

It hopes to develop an inclusive and collaborative, kaupapa with Māori-led organisations, publishers, libraries and festivals, and connect kaituhi Māori through wānanga and hui to provide professional development opportunities.

Te Kaituhi Māori is run by kaituhi Māori for kaituhi Māori.

Ko te Kaituhi Māori he wāhi whakahiamo e kuneroa ana i hoahoatia ai ki te whakaemi, ki te tautoko me te hiki i ngā reo kaituhi Māori puta noa i te motu.

Ko te tūmanako, ko tāna he whakapuāwai i te kaupapa kauawhi, mahi tahi hoki i te taha o ngā whakahaere, ngā kaitā, ngā whare pukapuka me ngā hui ahurei e arahina nei e ngāi Māori, me te tūhono anō hoki i ngā kaituhi Māori mā te wānanga me te hui, hei whakarato i ngā āheinga whakawhanake ngaio.

Ko te Kaituhi Māori he mea whakahaere e te kaituhi Māori mā te kaituhi Māori.

Latest News

The latest news articles, blogs, events, notices and opportunities for the writing sector in Aotearoa New Zealand. All news

National Library Heritage Campus Transition
20 March 2025 - The new archival building in Wellington will be ready for occupation in mid-2025. Relocation of kaimahi into the building signals… Continue Reading
NZ Booklovers Awards 2025 Winners Announced
20 March 2025 - Lauren Keenan, Christall Lowe, Steph Matuku, Rachael King, Claire Mabey and Kristin Kelly are winners in the 2025 NZ Booklovers… Continue Reading

Our Partners

The New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc) is proudly supported by Creative New Zealand and a range of other organisations. We also take part in industry-wide coalitions and campaigns. The New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc) is a not-for-profit incorporated society and a registered charitable entity: CC 61705. Thanks to all those who support us and the literary sector in Aotearoa New Zealand

Upcoming Events

Our calendar of writerly events – including but not limited to book launches, writer talks, literary festivals, writer retreats, workshops, poetry slams, award presentations, writer celebrations, writing group gatherings, regional branch meetups and events. All events

Everything She Wanted Book Launch
21 Mar 2025-Have you ever wondered what the story behind a song is? Otago University, Dunedin, 2012: Madeline is in her final year of study when she...Continue Reading
IP Workshop Te Mana Whakamahi Mō Ngā Toi Māori: Copyright and IP beyond Legal Frameworks
25 Mar 2025- NZSA Webworkshop on 6:30pm-8:00pm, Tuesday 25 March Te Mana Whakamahi Mō Ngā Toi Māori Copyright and IP beyond Legal Framework...Continue Reading
26 Mar 2025-This group meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month (not January) at 10.30 am at Picton Library. They share their own original poems in...Continue Reading

Contact The New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc)

For information about us, information about joining, and queries from members of The New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc)!
Contact Us