Wellington Branch

Wellington branch is lively and engaged. Our 350-plus members range from renowned authors and emerging literary stars to aspiring writers, producing all kinds of work: non-fiction, literary through to speculative fiction, work for children and young adults, short stories, flash fiction, poetry and more. We enjoy our close connection with the Wellington Writers Walk. Our region includes the Hutt Valley, Wairarapa and Kāpiti Coast, and we welcome everyone who’s interested in writing and in our local writing community.

Branch Chair: Gigi Fenster
Secretary: Shani Naylor
Treasurer: Tracy Farr
Regional Delegate: Tracy Farr

Meetings and events

We hold in-person and online branch events through the year. Please check out our Facebook page for event news.


At the NZSA Wellington Branch 2024 Annual General Meeting on Monday 15 April 2024, our branch committee was elected. We’re delighted to announce that Gigi Fenster is the new branch chair for NZSA Wellington.

Next events: stay tuned

The new committee is settling in, and we look forward to announcing our next events soon.

On hiatus: monthly meet-up for young writers, in Wellington and online

Currently on hiatus (May-July 2024), but we’ll let you know when we re-launch. Are you a young (age 18-29) author keen to share your work in a low-pressure environment? Join the New Zealand Society of Authors on the first Wednesday of each month for some dedicated writing time, kōrero and kai! Join in person or online – currently on hiatus. Read more

Afterglow: Poets on the Writers Walk 2023

Revisit the glory (and celebrate the winners) of our Poets on the Writers Walk competition, celebrating Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day 2023. Read more

X/Twitter @NZSAuthorsWgtn

Facebook NZSA Wellington Writers

And we’re on Instagram now, too @nzsauthorswgtn

Email wellington@nzauthors.org.nz or nzsawellington@gmail.com

Contact Wellington Branch

Contact Wellington Branch

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Banner Image: Wellington Writers Walk.
Quote from Denis Glover (1912-1980)
From ‘Wellington Harbour is a Laundry’ in Come High Water, Dunmore Press, 1977

The harbour is an ironing board;
Flat iron tugs dash smoothing toward
Any shirt of a ship, any pillowslip
Of a freighter they decree
Must be ironed flat as washing from the sea.

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