Why Research Grants are More Accessible than Ever

This is the beginning of an article published on 31 May at The Big Idea. The full article can be read here.

Preconceptions don’t often do anyone justice.

Be it the stereotyping of people or cultures, presumptions of processes or intentions – if you’re not open to learning more than what you assume, then you’re not going to get the full picture.

Like any good book, it’s what’s on the inside that counts.

But Paula Browning knows full well that what’s on the cover matters too. As Chief Executive of Copyright Licensing New Zealand, she sees this time and time again.

With applications open for the 2021 Copyright Licensing New Zealand/ New Zealand Society of Authors Research Grants (through until 11 June), Browning admits there could be a preconception over who – or what – a winning applicant is likely to be.

But it’s a stereotype the two organisations are determined to break…

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