Elizabeth Pulford

Elizabeth Pulford lives in a small country village not far from Dunedin with her husband. She was born in Canada, raised in New Zealand from the age of two, where she has lived for most of her adult life, except for eight years in the 1960’s when she worked and travelled in England and the Continent. Elizabeth began writing in her early 40’s. Since then her publications include: over sixty books for children (from early readers, junior and intermediate novels, plus a young adult novel); one adult’s novel; articles, poetry, and short stories (for both adult and children) in newspapers, magazines and on the radio. Many of her adult short stories won national NZ competitions. Four of her children’s books, The Memory Tree, Call of the Cruins, Tussock and Finding Monkey Moon have been finalists in the New Zealand Post Children’s Book Awards. Her website is: www.elizabethpulford.co.nz







Seeking an Aurora - published by One Tree House

A small boy wakes to a cold, midnight adventure with his dad, walking up through the snowy landscape to the top of a hill, to see a wonderful sight - the Aurora Australis. The distant and quiet man becomes a loving and excited dad as he tells his son all about this amazing phenomenon.

Bloodtree Chronicles - Sanspell - published by Scholastic NZ

In a race against dark forces and armed only with her great-grandfather's time locket, Abigail enters the Silvering Kingdom to save the Bloodtree and its stories from certain doom. With the help of Flint, a mysterious boy from a strangely familiar painting, Abigail finds herself on a dangerous journey. Can she save the tree and live to see its tales unfold?

Finding Monkey Moon - published by Walker Books, Australia

Michael and Monkey Moon are inseparable - especially when it's time for bed. But one night Monkey Moon is nowhere to be found and Michael's search for him goes way beyond the toy box. A heartwarming story of love, determination and hope.