Heather Smyth

Heather lives in North Canterbury, New Zealand, with her partner. She has three children and seven grandchildren, two step-children and two step-grandchildren. Heather’s career included work for the New Zealand Department of Corrections, as a prison officer, a probation officer and trainer. She also facilitated workshops on criminal justice topics for community groups around New Zealand. Most recently, Heather worked for the Correctional Service of Vanuatu, assisting with the development and introduction of rehabilitation programmes.


  • Adult Fiction
  • Adult Non-Fiction


  • Novelist






Pathway To Prison - Vonnie's Story

Pathway To Prison - Vonnie's Story is Heathers latest Novel. It is the sequel to her first novel 'So Glad He's Dead.' This novel is the story of a five year old girl and how her life journey took her to prison. It is told by the adult Vonnie as she serves a life sentence for murder.


So Glad He's Dead

So Glad He's Dead is Heathers first novel. It is a story of a Jessica Clarkson, who pleads guilty to murder and is sentenced to life in prison. Jessica's three months on remand was relatively peaceful. Little did Jessica know that prison life would change dramatically on her return from Court as a sentenced prisoner. Who was out to get her? How would she survive? How would it all end?

Hettie And Me

Hettie and Me is Heathers own story. Published in 2011.Hettie and Me is Heather's story from childhood to her late forties.