Lara Liesbeth

Lara Liesbeth is a multidisciplinary writer who lives in Whakaohorahi, Ōtepoti with her whānau: another writer and a young adult daughter. She is a published poet, educator and daughter of social justice warriors. Lara is of tauiwi and recent Dutch descent. Mauri ora!








New Zealand Poetry Society Anthology 2022 Alarm & Longing

Love. Longing. Alarm at the state of the world. Joy and despair at the slipperiness of words.

They're all in Alarm & Longing, the 2022 New Zealand Poetry Society anthology: the latest in a series of annual anthologies that began in 1987.

Alarm & Longing includes the winning poems and haiku from the 2022 NZPS International Poetry Competition, plus poems selected by this year's editor, Te Whanganui-a-Tara / Wellington poet Tim Jones. With poets from all around the motu and across the world, this anthology continues a proud tradition and provides a vital window on contemporary poetry.

Editor: Tim Jones