Phil Walsh


  • Adult Non-Fiction


  • Public Speaking
  • Research
  • Short Story Writing
  • Website Content






Fur, Fish and Phantom Reds

Set in the rural heart of New Zealand’s South Island West Coast—Fur, Fish and Phantom Reds is a true story about one boy’s quest to become a real man. Enticed by the lifestyle of his master-bushman brother, and encouraged by his father, Phil signs up to an extensive training regime that is set to instil a life-altering association with the outdoors. Horror, hard graft and humour lurk at every bend on this twisted path to manhood and a couple of hard-case mates ensure the merriment never wanes as the boys go about cultivating their own brand of bush doctrine.

'Typical Coaster' (released October 2018, first reprint later same year)

Set in the rural heart of the South Island’s West Coast, 'Typical Coaster' is a story about one boy’s aspirations, accomplishments, disasters, and emerging maturity. Uniquely New Zealand in character, the narrative centres on sibling dynamics, dramas, the often comical side of family life and the author’s developing awareness of changes within his world. Woven into the latter part of this saga is a peek into Buller’s past. Interrelationships with—and the rise and fall of—the Westport Abattoir are explored. This is where Phil enters the world of the working man. Learn what motivates the man within the boy and the free spirit that has the power to draw him away from his beloved West Coast. All proceeds from sales of this book are being donated to Dementia Canterbury/West Coasts. Cost $30 plus P&P refer author's Website to order.

Conquering Cascade: An epic saga of Denniston coal

Conquering Cascade: An epic saga of Denniston coal

Denniston Incline’s global reputation as a masterpiece of 19th Century industrial engineering continues to awe mining historians today. Much less known is that beyond the south-eastern rim of the Denniston Plateau—once dominated by New Zealand’s biggest employer of labour and the birthplace of New Zealand’s coalmining unionism—another equally remarkable example of mining entrepreneurship and co-operation once existed. This is the story of the Cascade Westport Coal Company and its workforce, the Cascade Westport Co-operative Coal Party.

Founded on limited resources and iron will, the company was a courageous player in the volatile, post WW1 coal trade. Forming in 1925 it was confronted with extraordinarily challenging access and coal transportation decisions, woeful finances, a tempestuous climate and a plummeting global economy.

Amid predictions of failure, the Company oversaw the construction of New Zealand’s longest coal flume which survived 28 years loyal service—under trying circumstances.

Conquering Cascade chronicles the troubles and triumphs of the coal company and the 30-year alliance with its contracted workforce, their association culminating in a powerful legal showdown.


Author Phil Walsh spent a decade researching, and interviewing descendants of the company, the Party’s miners, and flume builders. Referencing judiciously, he sourced considerable unpublished literature and rare photographic material, maps, and diagrams to document this truly epic saga in New Zealand’s industrial coal mining heritage.