Starting Right: Drawing Readers into your World – NZSA WebWorkshop with Bren MacDibble

12pm to 2pm, 20 May.

Is the opening of your novel bogged down by world building and exposition? Science fiction is all about getting the reader to trust your main characters early so they can act as believable guides. Tune in for a live chat with Bren MacDibble and learn techniques you can use to draw readers into your science fiction world. Q and A session also.

Bren MacDibble writes action packed novels for children, and for young adults as Cally Black. Her books have won multiple awards in New Zealand and overseas and deal with futures forever changed by environmental issues. Bren hopes that by exploring change in fiction, young readers will have a safe context in which to talk about current issues. Bren was raised in New Zealand and moved to Australia in her late 20s, first to Melbourne, and recently after a couple of years of driving around Australia in a bus, has hunkered down in the west coast town of Kalbarri to ride out the Covid storm.

12pm to 2pm, 20 May

WEBWORKSHOP ATTENDANCE FEE: NZSA Members – $30. (Non-members – $60)

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