​The CLNZ Cultural Fund contributes to the NZSA Writers Professional Development Programme

NZSA is delighted to announce a contribution from the CLNZ Cultural Fund for the 2022 and 2023 development programmes.


This grant supports programmes aimed at growing and developing Aotearoa New Zealand writers.

More details here from The New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi o Aotearoa (PEN NZ Inc).

About the Cultural Fund

The Cultural Fund derives its revenue from a 2% share of domestic licensing income and from overseas revenue that is non-title specific. The Cultural Fund invests in people and projects that meet its objectives to:

  • Protect – writers and publishers’ ability to earn revenue from their works;
  • Support – the creation and production of new works and assist the commercial success of New Zealand works;
  • Grow – the number of works created and skills in the industry

Sincere thanks and appreciation to CLNZ.

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