Eight regional branches (Northland, Auckland, Waikato, Central, Wellington, Top of the South, Canterbury and Otago/Southland) offer the opportunity to network with other writers, attend workshops, take part in seminars, enjoy social events, learn aspects of the craft of writing, and enter branch competitions.

If you whakapapa Māori you can also join Te Kaituhi Māori – NZSA’s new Māori branch.

if you are a writer under 30, you can join in, in-person or online, the monthly PEN’s and PJ’s Youth Writing Group.

All writers are welcome to join in branch meetings and events, whether members or not.

Central Districts
Top of the South

Te Kaituhi Māori – NZSA’s new Māori branch.

Pens and PJ’s – NZSA’s youth branch

Information on Branch Officer duties