NZSA Members Area Members only service badge

Membership of the NZ Society of Authors allows you to access the entire website, including members only information. Members pages are only visible once you log in to the website. Once logged in click on the following buttons to access –

Title image saying NZ author magazine

Our quality quarterly magazine to inspire, inform and motivate.

Title image saying literary bulletin

Our popular Literary Bulletin keeps members up to date so you never miss a writing opportunity.

Title image saying contract advice

A number of model contracts are available, as well as a contract advisory service, to get your contract vetted before you sign.

Title image saying rate advice

NZSA recommended rates for writing and author services to help you negotiate fees.

Title image saying information services

Information on a wide range of issues related to writing and an author career.

Title image saying accessing writer toolkit

Access your one free Writer Toolkit per renewal.

Remember, these areas will only be available to members once logged on. To access the members area of the website log in here

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NZ Society of Authors membership gives you access to a wide variety of benefits. Join now

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New Zealand Society of Authors Te Puni Kaituhi O Aotearoa (PEN NZ) Inc Accessibility Policy

NZSA record of Annual General Meetings – AGM agendas and reports