CNZ Global Digital New Work Fund and the Global Digital Research Fund OPEN NOW

The Global Digital New Work Fund and the Global Digital Research Fund opened March 10.


This fund supports researching, developing and/or creating new digital artwork for an international audience.  The aim of the fund is to amplify innovative digital arts practice and encourage exploration and experimentation. It does this by supporting the development of new, high-quality digital artwork for global audiences.

There are 2 strands to this fund and artists can apply to only one of the strands.  Information about what can be funded, how to apply and what to include in your application, can be found by following the links below:

  1. Research Strand –
  2. New Work Strand –


Key dates

  • Fund opens:               Friday 10 March
  • Fund closes:               Thursday 6 April, 1pm.  (The round will close on this date.  It does not have a cap threshold like Arts Grants).
  • Results due:               Wednesday 17 May

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