Call out for Scottish and Aotearoa writers for Island to Island Residency Exchange

Call out for Scottish and Aotearoa writers for Island to Island Residency Exchange

Submissions are open from 25th March – 8th April 2024

Verb Wellington, Te-Whanganui-a-tara, Aotearoa New Zealand, and Moniack Mhor, Scotland’s Creative Writing Centre, invite applications for Island to Island, a residency exchange supported by The British Council New Zealand and the Pacific for established writers working in creative non-fiction, fiction, or long-form poetry.

Island to Island offers the opportunity for a Scottish writer and an Aotearoa writer to receive time and space in a fresh environment to inspire their creative work, while connecting with audiences and literary communities in both countries.

In August-September this year, an Aotearoa writer will travel to Scotland for a three-week residency. The writer will join the Edinburgh International Book Festival at an event with their Scottish counterpart in late August, ahead of the residency period at Moniack Mhor. During their visit to the Highlands, they will also travel to Skye for a micro-residency to further explore the island theme.

Then, in October-November, a Scottish writer will travel to Wellington for a three-week residency which will include appearance at the Verb Readers & Writers Festival and a micro-residency in Kāpiti Island.

As well as performing together at the Scottish and Aotearoa festivals, the writers will also have the opportunity to co-deliver a workshop to young people or community group in the Scottish Highlands, as well as taking part in a reading of international writers at Moniack Mhor.

To apply, visit or


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