Dan Davin Literary Foundation Prize open 2024

 Deadline:     By 5 pm, Friday 26th July 2024


 Students:    Creative Writing of your choice: 
Maximum of up to three entries (of different genres) per student.
Words per Entry between 1000-1500
Senior Students: Under 19 (as of 31st December 2023)
and Year 11 – 13 secondary students
Junior Students: Year 7 – 10 studying at a secondary school

Adult:          Poetry (up to 1000 words)
Maximum of 3 entries per person
$5.00 per entry

Audio:          Poetry entrants eligible to enter Written and or Audio categories,
​                      the same poem may be entered in both Written and Spoken Word Categories.

  Awards:      First Prize in all categories:  $250
Second Prize in all categories:  $150
Third Prize in all categories:  $100

Conditions of Entry:

  • Entries must be original and unpublished.
  • Writers must live in or have a home address in the Southland province, or in the Queenstown, Glenorchy, Arrowtown, Tapanui and Heriot areas.
  • Writers must register to enter. Please Click on Enter Here above, fill out details and upload your Entry by 5 pm, Friday 26th July 2024.
  • There is no entry fee for students. 
  • Adults must pay $5.00 per entry. Please pay by Internet Banking to 03-1746-0078140-00 REFERENCE: Initial and surname. A post office box number is available: Box 29, Invercargill 9840.
  • Entries must not defame any person or corporate body, nor infringe or breach any rights of copyright. 
  • The Dan Davin Literary Foundation reserves the right to publish any place-getting entry 
  • The judges decisions are final  
  • New Audio Category for Poetry EntriesCriteria: Poetry entrants eligible to enter Written and Audio category – Adult Entry Fee is $5.00 for both Categories – Judging Audio will be on Performance & Poem not on quality of recording – entering more than 1 spoken word entry need to do on separate files – limit of entries 3 x written and 3 audio.               


  • Your entry may be completed as a doc or google .doc with double line spacing, and in a clear 12-point font. Audio entries in wav or mp3 format.
  • Do not put your name on the document.                        

Winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony to be held at the Kelvin Hotel on Friday, 30th August 2024  

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