Call for nominations for Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi Awards 2024

Nominate Now! Tuku tono mai!

Creative New Zealand Toi Aotearoa is calling for public nominations to honor outstanding toi Māori artists at the Ngā Taonga Toi a Te Waka Toi Awards 2024. ✨Recognise the contributions of Māori artists in our communities.

Three award categories are open for nomination, each with a $10,000 prize:
👉 Ngā Tohu Hautūtanga Auaha Toi – Making a Difference Award
👉 Ngā Manu Pīrere – Emerging Māori Artist Award
👉 Te Tohu Iho Pūmanawa – Contribution by a Deaf or Disabled Māori Artist
Nominate by 12 August 2024. Details and forms are available on our website:

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