Māori Literature Trust – Te Hā publishing seminar Wgtn

If you’re a kaituhi Māori, interested in how you can have your writing published, whether traditionally or self-published and live in Pōneke, Wellington, you can’t miss these upcoming workshops by the Māori Literature Trust. The event will be from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm on Saturday, September 21st. Secure your spot by emailing Nicole programme@mlt.org.nz

The Traditional Publishing panel will be chaired by Nadine Anne Hura and feature Lauren Keenan (Huia Publishers, Penguin, Allen & Unwin), Anthony Lapwood (Te Herenga Waka University Press) and Hona Black (Oratia).

Rangimarie Sophie Jolley will chair the independent publishing sessions, which feature Anahera Gildea (Te Whē, Taraheke), Nicole Titihuia Hawkins (Tender Press), and Nadine Anne Hura (Self-Published, Te Whē, Taraheke).

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