Ó Bhéal Five Words International Poetry Competition

Competition Overview
At around noon each Tuesday (GMT), from the 14th of April 2015, five words are posted on this competition page. Entrants have one week to compose and submit poems that include all five words given for the week.

The competition runs for 41 weeks, until the last week of January 2016.

A prize of 500 euros will be awarded to one winner, and if available, invited to read at Ó Bhéal’s ninth anniversary event on Monday 11th of April, 2016 (an additional travel fee of 100 euro plus B&B accommodation will be provided for this). The shortlisted poems and winning entry will also be published in Five Words Vol IX – the next annual anthology of five word poems, launched at the same event.

This year’s judges are Marie Coveney and Colm Scully. A shortlist of twelve poems including the overall winner will be announced during the first week of March 2016.

The five words offered each week for 2015-16 are sourced from the audiences of the third year of fifty Five Word Challenges held each Monday evening during 2009-10 at Ó Bhéal – with a selection of extra words added due to deletion of duplicates, colloquialisms, etc. More