Screenwriting Workshop – Nelson

Following on from the success of his first workshop on screenwriting in November, Tony Etchells will be conducting a second workshop on Sunday 14 February, 9.30 am – 12.30 pm, in the Constance Barnicoat Room, Richmond Library.

Tony Etchells has nearly two decades of practical experience as a full-time professional screenwriter for television. He began writing for Casualty, and also worked on Doctors, Midsomer Murders, Dangerfield and EastEnders.

This workshop will cover using the ‘Hero’s Journey’ story shape to create dramatic change and growth in character. The techniques involved are particularly useful for those interested in writing for the stage or screen, but are of value to all fiction writers.

The workshop costs $8 for NZSA members and $10 for non-members. Light refreshments will be provided. Booking is not essential. For more information contact Jean Gorman at 03-542 3931 or Note that entry to the Constance Barnicoat Room is from Queen Street, to the right of the main door to the library.