Visiting Writers Programme: Rosetta Allan

Rosetta AllanTuesday 8 March
WT1501, City Campus

The inaugural session of the Visiting Writers Programme features novelist, poet and judge Rosetta Allan, whose first collection has just been published by Penguin Books.

The Visiting Writers Programme connects our creative writing students to experienced authors, allowing them to engage in discussions with the author about the production of their work, and ask questions about the publishing world.

Sessions are held on selected Tuesdays throughout the year, and while the programme has been created to support and inspire creative writing students, it is open to the public, and free of charge.

Rosetta Allan is an Auckland-based writer. Her debut novel Purgatory was released by Penguin Books NZ in 2014. Many of Rosetta’s poetry pieces have made their way into various anthologies and literary journals both nationally and internationally. She is the co-winner of the IWW Kathleen Grattan Best Sequence of Poetry 2010, and Metonomy’s Best Poem 2010. Her first published essay: Dear Mother, songs of the Kamikaze, was released in The Griffith Review #48 Enduring Legacy issue, April 2015. She is currently writing her second novel.

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