Elyne Mitchell Writing Award

Like-Fellows of Writing Enthusiasm are go!

Already one twelfth of 2018 is passing us by; now we need to get down to the business of some serious short story writing for submission into the


Theme 2018: Reach for the Stars – Strive for Excellence

Deadline: 5pm, 23 August 2018

We are excited about our theme this year, as it fits nicely into our 10th anniversary of these awards and the 60th anniversary of Elyne Mitchell’s first publication of The Silver Brumby.

This year we would like to draw your attention to a link: www.chauvelfoundation.com .  Here,  you can support them to  build their online Light Horse Anthology by submitting your anthology. General Sir Harry Chauvel is Elyne Mitchell’s father, and we feel that it befits our anniverary year.  Please have a look, if you find the time. following link: www.chauvelfoundation.com

Light Horse | Australia | Harry Chauvel Foundation


Commemorating General Sir Harry Chauvel: a humble hero and commander who devoted his life to the service of Australia and the development of its defence forces

Please ask your writers and friends to view our facebook page, Elyne Mitchell Writing Award – @elyne.mitchell.award. – for regular updates and tips etc. This page will take you to our web page for entry forms.

MISSION:  The Elyne Mitchell Writing Award commemorates the celebrated author of the Silver Brumby’s life and work, and has been established to encourage all writers to focus their stories on the Australasian rural landscape.

We invite all writers from Australia and New Zealand to enter.

ELYNE MITCHELL WRITING AWARD is a non-profit business run by volunteers.

2018 EMWA ENTRY FORM Reach for the stars – Strive for excellence.