Fast fibres poetry 3 Call for submissions

Northland poetry

We, the Fast Fibres Poetry Collective, are producing a third chapbook of poetry to display the talents of Northland poets under the title Fast Fibres Poetry 3.

We invite poets with a strong connection to Northland, born here, live here, lived here, to contribute up to three poems for the chapbook.

Please include a two line biographical statement.

The deadline for receipt of poems is 19th May 2016.

We prefer poems sent as attachments in rtf or doc format.

Submissions should be sent to

In order to display the work of individuals to maximum effect, we will accept poems which have been previously published, as well as new work. Acknowledgments will be published at the foot of the poem. If you are submitting previously published work, it is your responsibility to ensure you are not breaching any agreements made with the publisher, and to include full details of the place of publication eg: journal title and edition, book title and publisher details.

We will set a nominal price for the chapbook to help us recover some costs. We are hoping for sponsorship support.

Fast Fibres will be edited by Piet Nieuwland and Martin Porter. Piet’s poems have been published in NZ, Australia and USA including Mattoid, Snafu, Printout, Takahe, Tounge in Your Ear, Live Lines and most recently in Blue Five Notebook, Poetry NZ and Landfall. Martin’s writing has been featured in the UK and has recently been published in the USA based San Pedro River Review.