Taonga and Mana – Capturing experiences and stories of New Zealand’s heritage

Invitation reminder for:

Taonga and Mana
Capturing experiences and stories of New Zealand’s heritage

The National Library of New Zealand invites you to a panel discussion facilitated by Courtney Johnston, Director of Hutt City Museums, exploring the importance of telling New Zealand stories and experiencing New Zealand heritage. Three outstanding speakers share their expertise in publishing, storytelling, artifacts, cultural events, digital displays and the mana of the “real thing”:

  • Robyn Bargh – Founder of Huia Publishers
  • Kate Hunter – Associate Professor in History, Victoria University of Wellington
  • Tom Rennie – Publisher, Bridget Williams Books

Please join us for the second of this three-part series on New Zealand knowledge and identity hosted by the National Library.

Tuesday 3 May 2016, 5.30 – 7.30pm

National Library of New Zealand,
Corner Molesworth and Aitken Streets, Wellington

Wine and nibbles provided

RSVP to natlibfuture@dia.govt.nz?

Recordings from the first panel session in the series on Tuesday 5 April, featuring Miranda McKearney (Reading Agency UK), Peter Biggs (Book Council NZ) and Professor Stuart McNaughton (Auckland University), are available here

National Library of New Zealand is a part of the Department of Internal Affairs