Make the Perfect Pitch: pitch to a publisher competition

Open for entries from: 18 July to 22 August 

Make the Perfect Pitch – Application Form

Pitching to publishers, journals and magazines is an art.  In this National Writers Forum first, you have the chance to pitch and win a one-on-one session with a publisher during the Forum.

Leading publishers and editors from New Zealand will assess the best pitches made to them. Have you done your research and identified the best platform / participating party for your work? Is your synopsis selling your story?

This is a competition suitable for early to mid-career writers who are looking to extend their submission skills and be in to win an in-depth conversation on where to next. Open to all relevant genre and all writing projects (please see the list of publishers who are assessing submissions).

Participating parties

* James and Tom will conduct their one-on-one meetings with the winning pitches to New Zealand Geographic and BWB Books via Skype or in person, depending on location of the winner.

The winning pitch: your one on one session

  • The best pitch to each participating publisher or editor (as judged by that publisher or editor) will win a one-on-one meeting with them. The publisher or editor you pitched to will provide constructive feedback on your pitch.
  • The meeting will be held during the weekend of the National Writers Forum*
    * James Frankham and Tom Rennie are unable to attend NWF so will conduct one-on-one meetings with the winners of the best pitch to New Zealand Geographic and BWB Books via skype or in person, depending on location of the winner, at a date to be arranged between James and Tom, and the respective winners.
  • Publication is not guaranteed.

Eligibility and How to Apply:

  • You must have purchased a ticket to attend the National Writers Forum to be eligible to apply
  • You must pay the application fee of $20NZD at the time you submit your application
  • Identify who you are submitting to from the list of participating publishers and editors ($20 per submission)
  • To apply, fill out the online application form. You will need to attach:
    • A synopsis of the work – no more than 1 page in length
    • A brief bio, and justification as to why you are best to deliver this work (if relevant) – no more than 1 page in length
    • A sample of the work – no more than 2 paragraphs in length
    • Applications must be submitted by Monday, 22 August, 11pm.
  • Applicants will be notified by Wednesday 14 September on whether you have won a one-on-one session with the publisher or editor you pitched to.

What you need to know before you enter

  • You can only submit to the participating publishers and editors as published on the NWF website
  • You may pitch as many times as you like, but please make each submission a separate entry with separate emails. You will be required to pay a registration fee for each pitch.
  • To pitch to a publisher you need to have progressed your work to a more complete stage but require the objective view of an experienced publisher to provide constructive critiquing of a specific piece of work.
  • Have a completed manuscript that has come beyond the first draft stage.
  • Demonstrate a commitment to excellence.
  • Publication as a result of this competition is not guaranteed.
  • You may not contact the participating publishers or editors directly in relation to this competition, all communications are to come to the National Writers Forum.
  • The decision of the selected winners is final.
  • Publishers and editors may consider all entries for publication so you are not eligible if you are committed to another publisher.

Make the Perfect Pitch Application Form