Into the Light 2016: call for participants

Into the Light 2016: call for participants

The Story Collective invites writers/storytellers/musicians/artists to apply to participate in ‘Into the Light’ 2016: a celebration of story in all its forms.

We have booked a wonderful venue for the event: Hohepa Hall, 23 Barrington Street. It is an intimate and friendly space and an ideal venue for emerging artists to gain experience of performance. Alongside emerging artists there will be readings from established Christchurch writers and experienced storytellers. The event will be held on Friday 9th September from 7pm.

Our theme is ‘Into the Light’, so think sunlight, stars, shadows, moonlight, illumination, emergence, growth, greenery, transformation, epiphany… Feel free to interpret the theme broadly! Pieces should take no more than 5 minutes to perform – flash fiction is ideal as well as poetry – and if you are willing to perform a song, then do let us know. We encourage your creativity in exploring the expression of story across various art forms – performed, written, visual.

So we can plan a varied programme involving as many people as possible please send your written piece/ performance summary/ idea description no later than 15th August. Be quick as performance slots are fast filling up! You are welcome to drop us a line if you have any questions. We offer coaching if this will be your first time in front of an audience, so do get in touch. We will confirm your participation by the end of August so you have time to prepare.

More information here.

Don’t be shy – let your light shine!