A Moment’s Silence – Book Launch

Mary Egan Publishing and Bruce McKenzie books invite you to the launch of “A MOMENT’S SILENCE” by Christopher Abbey.

Set against actual events in 1995, New Zealander, Martyn Percival, on holiday in the UK, links an explosion to a renegade IRA operative. He reports his suspicions to an attractive police sergeant in the Cotswolds and when Scotland Yard becomes involved, the serial killer embarks on a mission seeking revenge on the tourist who “shopped him”. Martyn’s burgeoning feelings for the sergeant have him agreeing to participate in The Yard’s proposed planned trap. When this backfires, Martyn returns to New Zealand. His stalker follows. Fearing for his survival, Martyn turns the tables and stalks the stalker, setting up a face-to-face finale in New Zealand’s North Island wintry landscape.

View the event Poster here. Feel free to print copies.

Thursday 22nd September 2016 at 5.30pm
Drinks and refreshments at Bruce McKenzie Booksellers
37 George Street, Palmerston North
Please RSVP (and/or request printed flyers) via email, either to: books@bmbooks.co.nz or  by emailing the author .