Beginners Guide to Screenwriting Part 2

I’m thrilled to announce that Beginner’s Guide to Screenwriting:Part Two is happening next month!  I’m always being asked if there’s a follow-up to my BG2S workshop – and there is!
(Read more here…)

If you know screenwriting peeps who might be interested, please spread the word. Beginner’s Guide to Screenwriting: Part Two – 15 & 16 Oct (Ak)  Earlybird discount closes 30 September.

(I know writers get an enormous amount out of this intensive workshop and so do industry folk who just want to learn more about the screenwriting process – cos they tell me! NBI offer an industry discount for this workshop.)

This workshop will be right up their alley if…

  • They’ve attended BG2S: Part One (or had other relevant training.)
  • They have an idea in mind for feature film, short film, TV series or telefeature.
  • They want to spend two days further exploring their concept in class.
  • They want to develop a deeper understanding of how screenplays are put together.
  • They want some insights into how to start and structure your story.
  • They just want to get more kick-ass screenwriting know-how.  

I really appreciate you spreading the word!

Kindest or call 027 214 3924