Book Launch – Will There Be Puffins?

Book Launch – Wednesday NOVEMBER 2nd

Gay Hay and Sarah Harmon are launching their new book- Will There Be Puffins?

This a great chance to celebrate with Gay and Sarah at The Children’s Bookshop 6pm.

RSVP here please

(Gay started her own publishing company Pagebreak and her first two books were finalists LIANZAs and NZ Post Book Awards. This new book is with a new exciting illustrator Sarah Harmon.)

  • “This book is for all Shetlanders who carried their home in their hearts when they crossed the seas to find new lives in new lands.”
    Like the puffins that come and go with the seasons, Shetlanders continue to feel the strong tug of their homeland. The idea for this story was launched from Gay & John’s family returning to Shetland and their daughter feeling a strong sense of identity and heritage.
  • The illustrator, Sarah Harmon, from a strong Scottish background, visited Shetland to immerse herself in the landscapes, the wool and the people. Her magical images have so much to explore. The special extra story of the puffin’s year adds an appealing touch to the story, inviting readers to look more carefully.
  • Gay Hay is an environmental enthusiast and often found working with children, planting or growing native seedlings. She is currently looking after the lizard component of the latest Kapiti Mainland Environmental project. Her first book, ‘Discovery Time’, a primary school resource – was also published by Page Break Ltd. She has won awards with her previous books illustrated by Margaret Tolland, which focus on our beautiful New Zealand plants and animals.

The Convener
Wellington Children’s Book Association