Editor of NZ Author

Tina Shaw

Tina Shaw is the author of novels, children’s books and short stories. Her work history has mostly involved books and writing – from working as a freelance journalist to tutoring creative writing for an online school. She is a manuscript assessor, mentor, book reviewer, and for six years, until 2011, was Programme Manager for the NZSA.



NZ Author Magazine

NZSA publishes the  NZ Author magazine – available as a print copy and e-journal.

Non-members and those across the book sector can buy a subscription to the magazine by clicking on the SHOP link at the top of the home page. If you are interested in advertising go here.

Thanks to Editor Tina Shaw, Production and Design Diana Curtis, and our contributors.

We welcome contributions for our publications.

If you have any news items, articles or reports that you would like to be published in our fortnightly Literary Bulletin or newsletter, or the NZ Author magazine, please email to editor@nzauthors.org.nz (mag) or for the newsletter please send to: office@nzauthors.org.nz

Guidelines for submissions to NZ Author

If you are interested in making a submission to NZ Author, please contact the editor in the first instance, as your subject may already have been published recently. Some subjects may not be suitable for the publication. The editor can also give you an idea of word count – this may range, depending on subject, from around 450 words to 1500 for longer, essay-like articles.

Please read a few issues of NZ Author prior to pitching an idea to get a feel for the content and style.

We predominantly feature pieces of practical benefit to writers and about latest literary developments, and are particularly interested in areas that haven’t been covered before (or at least not recently) in NZ Author. It’s helpful if you can show that you’re able to write from experience in your suggested field.

We’re not so interested in reviews, memoir, purely humorous pieces or articles that aren’t relevant for working writers and the publishing scene in New Zealand.

Submissions will be in electronic form, mainly as a Microsoft Word doc. If you are using MS Word, please check that you are using New Zealand spelling and do not use double spaces. Paragraphs should use single paragraph breaks, as in this document, not ‘soft’ returns.

You are welcome to make suggestions for the header of your piece, and any sidebars.

Finally, it’s hugely helpful if you are able to provide an illustration, an author photograph, book jacket jpeg – or suggestions for one of these. All supplied images need to be high-resolution (300dpi) and preferably in jpeg format.