The next  Writers at Lunchtime meeting is on Wednesday 2 November and features as guest speaker Dana Wensley, who is the PEN (NZ) representative for freedom of speech in New Zealand.

Dana will be talking about the demise of freedom of speech, the impact on our daily lives, and how it restricts the ability to exercise our democratic freedoms. Her talk takes place in the lead-up to Courage Day, also known as The Day of the Imprisoned Writer, on 15 November. Courage Day recognises writers who defend the right to free speech, and those who suffer oppression and are killed/ imprisoned for their work.

Writers at Lunchtime takes place at The Prince Albert, 113 Nile Street, Nelson (car parking is accessed from Tasman Street). Come any time from 11.30 am, but make sure to be there at 12.30 pm to hear Dana’s talk. Everyone is welcome; entry by gold coin donation. For more information contact Chrissie on 03-5469818.