Mapua Literary Festival

The 2017 Mapua Community Library Literary Festival takes place between 15 – 17 September. The theme this year is ‘Journeys’ – journeys real and imagined, journeys in time and space, journeys of the mind and the heart.

The Festival begins on Friday afternoon with a story telling and drama event for local schools, including Emma Stevens talking about her memoirs of life in Alaska. In the evening there is a literary quiz hosted by Joe Bennett.

On Saturday there are conversations with Joe Bennett, Fleur Beale, Fiona Farrell, Gerard Hindmarsh, Fiona Kidman and Duncan Sarkies. At 12.30 pm Bridget Auchmuty will be announcing the results of the two short story competitions run in the lead-up to the Festival. In the evening there is a twilight poetry session with Nelson Live Poets’ members Roger Lusby, Panni Palásti and Carol Don Ercolano, joined by Fiona Farrell and Fiona Kidman.

On Sunday there are more conversations with Paddy Richardson, Sarah Laing, Jenny Pattrick, Veronika Meduna and Elizabeth Knox. At 12.30 pm, Top of the South branch Chair Liz Mahoney will be talking about NZSA and what it offers for aspiring and established authors. The branch will also have an information/ display table throughout the Festival.

Most Festival events will be held in the Mapua Community Hall, 72 Aranui Road, Mapua, and cost $15. For the full programme and how to book, go to: