Katherine Mansfield Menton Fellowship – deadline 25 Sept

The Katherine Mansfield Menton Fellowship Advisory Committee is looking for an established creative writer to spend three months or more in Menton in southern France to work on a project or projects.

Villa Isola Bella, Menton, September 2009 (photo Gerri Kimber)

Amount $35,000 (includes travel and accommodation)
Application closing date 11pm Monday 25 September 2017

The primary aim of the residency is for a writer to work on a project in a new environment, and to complete, or substantially complete, a body of writing during the residency.

Other goals include:

  • developing the potential of the writer through exposure to new cultures and new ideas
  • an increased awareness in France of New Zealand literature.

What can you write?

The residency is open to creative writers across all genres including fiction, children’s fiction, poetry, literary non-fiction and playwriting.

What do we cover?

The residency provides:

  • a grant of $35,000 to cover travel to Menton, insurance, living and accommodation costs. $15,000 is paid in advance with $10,000 payments made in month two and three of the residency, assuming the Fellow remains in residency through this period.
  • a room in the basement of Villa Isola Bella is available for use as a study. Accommodation is not available at the villa. In recent years writers have made their own accommodation arrangements, most recent details of which are shared by the previous fellow. Katherine Mansfield spent long periods at Villa Isola Bella in 1919 and 1920 after she contracted tuberculosis. The climate in southern France was thought to be beneficial to her health.

When can you go?

The residency can take place any time in the calendar year following the award.

Is this for you?

To be eligible for the Katherine Mansfield Menton Fellowship you must:

  • be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident who has lived continuously in New Zealand for three years prior to making the application (this requirement excludes any short trips out of the country)
  • be a professional practicing writer with a record of achievement
  • have the ability to produce a work of substantial literary quality if awarded the fellowship
  • have the potential to be an ambassador for New Zealand and for New Zealand literature.

The recipients of the fellowship will be required to:

  • conduct themselves in an appropriate manner and have the self-reliance and resourcefulness to cope with an overseas residency
  • participate in social activities to promote any sponsor, partner or supporter of the Arts Foundation and/or the Fellowship and the Fellowship itself
  • liaise with contacts and maintain the goodwill of all those involved with the Fellowship, especially in Menton
  • ensure there is a printed acknowledgement in any published work that results from the tenure of the Fellowship
  • attend any Fellowship ceremonies and take part in media interviews, publicity and promotion associated with the Fellowship. The recipient will also have an artist profile page on the Arts Foundation website, www.thearts.co.nz.
  • insure against sickness, accident and death occurring while overseas and to provide a receipt for the premium prior to departure.

Who’s been before?

Previous recipients include Kate Camp, Anna Jackson, Mandy Hager, Greg McGee, Justin Paton, Chris Price, Ken Duncum, Damien Wilkins, Jenny Pattrick, Stuart Hoar, Dame Fiona Kidman, Ian Wedde and other prestigious writers such as Bill ManhineJanet FrameWiti IhimaeraElizabeth KnoxLloyd Jones, Roger Hall, Marilyn Duckworth, Michael King and Allen Curnow.

Keen to apply?

Email us with your application and include:

  • your reasons for wishing to be resident in Menton
  • projects or activities you wish to pursue during the residency
  • your availability to be resident in Menton for a period of no less than three months during 2018

What to include in your application:

  1. Cover sheet
  2. Conditions of the Fellowship, signed
  3. A covering letter
  4. A written proposal of the work to be undertaken in Menton.
  5. Details on how this residency will develop your career, provide a new direction or otherwise impact on your work.
  6. Resume/Literary CV listing published work, awards, etc and professional history.

Download the Cover sheet and Conditions of the Fellowship here

Sending your application

Proposals can only be submitted by email to applications@thearts.co.nz

Your complete proposal needs to get to us before 11pm 25 September 2017 and it is helpful if it is in one email transition.

All files should be clearly named and in PDF, Word or Excel format. If your email size exceeds 20MB, consider using Dropbox or other file deposit service.

How we select

Your application will be assessed by an independent panel chaired by member of the Katherine Mansfield Menton Fellowship Advisory Committee of the Arts Foundation of New Zealand.

The selection panel will assess which application best demonstrates one or more of the following:

  • how the Fellowship will develop the career of a writer whose work has already made a considerable impact, or
  • how the Fellowship will contribute to a new career direction for a senior writer
  • whether the Fellowship is an opportunity for a successful writer who has had little previous opportunity to travel
  • the likely impact the residency will have on the writer’s work
  • how the writer will contribute to the promotion and continuance of the Fellowship.

When we let you know

No more than two months after the closing date we notify all applicants of the results by email.

If you are successful, the Arts Foundation will contact you about your funding agreement including payment schedule and reporting requirements.

When you get home

A project completion report is required within 12 weeks of the project end date. The Arts Foundation will advise on the content of this report.


