Takah? Short Story Competition 2017 – deadline

This year our short story competition will be judged by Eileen Merriman

First Prize: $250

Second Prize: $100

Maximum length for each story submitted is 2,500 words and entries must be emailed (comps@takahe.org.nz)  or sent no later than Thursday 30th November  2017.

Results and the winning story will be published in takah? 92 (April 2018),

and all entries will considered for publication.

To find out more about us, do visit the website: takahe.org.nz

Eileen Merriman was our guest writer in takah? 90. Her awards include three times third place winner in the 2014- 2016 Sunday Star Times Short Story competitions, second in the 2015 Bath Flash Fiction Award, and commended in the 2015 Bath Short Story Competition. Her work has previously appeared in a number of journals and anthologies, including the Sunday Star Times, Smokelong Quarterly, The Island Review, Literary Orphans, the Bath Short Story Anthology, the Bath Flash Fiction Anthology, F(r)iction, Takahe, Headland and Flash Frontier. Her young adult novel, Pieces of You, was published on May 29 2017 (Penguin Random House). More information can be found at her website: eileenmerriman.co.nz
