STORYLINES BETTY GILDERDALE AWARD 2017 to Wellington’s Maureen Crisp

STORYLINES BETTY GILDERDALE AWARD 2017 to Wellington’s Maureen Crisp Wellington teacher, author and literary blogger Maureen Crisp has been announced as the winner of the 2017 Storylines Betty Gilderdale award for outstanding service to children’s literature.

“Storylines is delighted to honour Maureen as one of the unsung heroes of children’s literature in this country,” says Storylines chair Dr Libby Limbrick. “She was convenor of two national conferences for children’s writers and illustrators, in 2009 and 2015, and also serves as president of the Wellington Children’s Book Association. Her weekly blog on news and views on children’s publishing is followed by many published and aspiring writers. She also began and continues to contribute to the online children’s writing competition Fabo Story, an opportunity enjoyed by many hundreds of children around the country.”

The Award is given for outstanding service to children’s literature and literacy and carries a monetary prize of $2000. As part of the award presentation, to be held in Wellington on Monday 27 November, Maureen Crisp will deliver a 40 minute address known as the Storylines Spring Lecture

Maureen Crisp is also a published author of junior fiction. The Storylines Betty Gilderdale Award honours Betty Gilderdale, a lifelong advocate and supporter of children’s literature, through her academic research, work as a reviewer and 30 years’ committee service to Auckland’s Children’s Literature Association. Prior to 2000, the award was known as the Children’s Literature Association’s Award for Services to Children’s Literature.



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