A series of piano recitals and climate discussions are being held around the globe in November, timed to coincide with the United Nations COP 23 conference being held in Bonn, Germany.

An acclaimed pianist will play a concert – 30 minutes.

This will be followed by a vigorous discussion facilitated by a climate change scientist and environmentalist


Image result for DENYS TRUSSELL PIC


7.00pm  November 12  at the Lodge of the Liberal Arts, 9A Robert St, Ellerslie

  November 15 on Waiheke Island. 


These recitals will be played by acclaimed Auckland pianist and piano teacher Denys Trussell who has been giving performances since 1980.  He is a founding director of Friends of the Earth and has been involved in environmental activism since 1973 and has given many concerts supporting environmental issues. Denys has been a member of the NZ Society of Authors (PEN NZ) Inc Te Puni Kaitahu O Aotearoa for many decades in support of his poetry, biographies and environmental non-fiction and has been a Chair of PEN.

Any proceeds from the night will go to the New Zealand Greenpeace Climate Change Campaigning Fund. 

Waged $25.00  Unwaged $15.00

He will play three pieces with ecological themes:

  1. Beethoven, Sonata in D minor, Opus 31, No 2
  2. Douglas Lilburn, Sonatina No 2, 1962
  3. Franz Liszt, The Legend of St Francis of Paul Walking on the Wave

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