The Matador Review – Submissions deadline Nov 30

The Matador Review is an online literature and art quarterly.


We publish four issues annually: the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter issues. We invite all unpublished literature written in the English language (and translations accompanied by the original text) as well as many forms of visual art. All work must be electronically submitted to with “Submission: Name, Title” in the subject line (for example, “Submission: Jane Smith, 5 Poems”).

Simultaneous submissions are welcomed; however, please let us know if the work is accepted elsewhere. Multiple submissions are also welcomed, though we ask that you submit only once per genre per issue. The genres are as follows: Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, Flash Fiction, Poetry, and Visual Art.

For general inquiries, requests, and concerns, contact us at


We are currently accepting work for our seventh issue, the Winter 2018 publication.
The call for submissions will end on November 30, 2017.

The Fall 2017 issue was released on October 1, 2017.


The Matador Post is an extension of the quarterly publication.

We distribute articles which surround the following cultural topics: Television, Film, Music, Politics, Video Games, and Sex and Love. Writers may submit an article or proposal to with “Post Submission: Category” in the subject line (for example, “Post Submission: Television”).

Multiple submissions are welcomed. The formats for articles are as follows: Review, Commentary, Interview, and Personal.

The Post exists to ignite cultural discussion and share ideas from seasoned creatives. It operates as its own entity, separate from The Matador Review, yet affiliated with its core intent: to become “a cultural conservationist for the alternative world” and “advocate for a progressive attitude.” Writers should take risks that are interesting and provocative. The Post is brand new, and thus it calls for experimentation.


  • Works of literature should be attached to the email as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file. We will not consider submissions that are not within these file formats.
  • We suggest that submissions be formatted with 12 pt. Times New Roman type.
  • You may add a cover letter into the body of the email that includes your first and last name, email address, the title of your work(s), and a brief bio (100 words or less).
  • We undergo a “blind” submissions process. Personal information should not appear anywhere on the attached document(s).

Fiction and Creative Non-Fiction: We accept all work that is under 10,000 words. Please submit only one piece per submission.

Flash Fiction Guidelines: For fiction that is under 1,000 words, you may submit up to three pieces. Please include all pieces within one document.

Poetry Guidelines: Please submit 1-6 poems within one document.



  • Articles for The Post should be included in the body of the email. Do not attach any documents.
  • You may add a cover letter within the body of the email that includes your first and last name, email address, the title of your article, and a short bio (50 words or less).
  • Writers will be asked to specify which form their article takes. The details of each form follows:
    • Review provides critical insight into a work of cultural relevance. Word count: 500–1000.
    • Commentary furthers discussion about something of cultural relevance. Word count: 500–1500.
    • An Interview should be with someone of notable relevance or authority. Word count: 750–2000.
    • Personal essay explores a unique experience, idea, or question. Word count: 250–2000.

While we are generally responsive, please give us up to 100 days to respond to your submission(s). We are not a paying market at the moment. Thank you for considering The Matador Review.

The Matador Review acquires First North American Serial Rights for the work we publish in our quarterly. All rights revert back to the author upon publication. If your work is later republished, we request you note its initial publication in The Matador Review.

Opinions and other statements expressed by contributors are theirs alone and not opinions of The Matador Review. Content created by any contributor is the sole responsibility of the contributor and its accuracy and completeness are not guaranteed by The Matador Review.