The Sea Letter – submissions for journal

The Sea Letter is a literary magazine & blog dedicated to bringing curious minds together.

If interested in submitting your work (short fiction, poetry, a chapter of your novel, or photography/illustrations), check out TSL’s Official Submit Page.


  • Short Fiction
  • Poetry
  • Chapter Series
  • Photography/Illustrations

If Accepted

Poetry & Short Fiction

We pay $50 per acceptance – works will be featured on our blog as well as published in our print issue.


We pay $25 per acceptance – works will be featured on our blog as well as published in our print issue.

Chapter Series

Works accepted will be featured on our blog with no cash reward.

General Guidelines

  • We ask that you do not submit works that have been published elsewhere
  • You may include multiple written works in your submission, so long as you do not exceed the word-count limit of that category
  • Photos & Illustrations are limited to 5 entries per submission

Word-Count Limits

  • Short Fiction: 10,000
  • Poetry: 5,000
  • Chapter Series: 10,000

