Summer Short Story Competition 2018

The Book Editor is hosting the annual Summer Short Story Competition for 2018! Submit your story to by the end of February 2018 for your chance to win $300 NZD!


Read the competition rules and formatting guidelines below.

 Theme: The most brutal summer yet…




What:    1500 words on the theme ‘The most brutal summer yet…’

When:   Deadline for the competition is midnight on 28th February, 2018.

How:     Submit your story to with a $10 entry fee.

Why:     The winner will receive a prize of $300 NZD!



• Competition closes at midnight on 28th February, 2018.

• The competition is open entry. There are no restrictions on age or location.

• Writers can submit multiple entries, with every additional entry at a reduced fee of $5.

• Entries must be written in English.

• Entry fee is non-refundable.

• Stories must be unpublished, presently uninvolved in other writing competitions, and the entrant’s own work.

• Writers retain copyright of the story, but give permission for their work to be displayed on The Book Editor’s website.

• Scoring and decisions on placement are final, and will not be disputed.

• All stories must adhere strictly to the rules and formatting guidelines, or will be disqualified. By entering this competition, the entrant understands and agrees with all rules and expectations of the competition.


• Stories must be a maximum of 1500 words. Entries exceeding the word count will not be considered for placement. There is no minimum word count.

• Use an easily legible font such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman.
10-12pt. size, with single, double, or 1.5 line spacing.

• Entries must be in English.

• The writer must produce his/her own title.

• The theme can be interpreted or represented in any way the writer chooses. Stories that appear entirely unrelated to the theme will not be considered for placement.

• The entrant will be notified if the file format cannot be opened. It is the entrant’s sole responsibility to submit a legible file.
Accepted file formats include:  .pdf   .doc   .docx   .rtf

• All submissions and enquiries can be sent to

• Entry fees will only be accepted by bank transfer. Please send to 12-3034-0487658-00 with your name as the reference.

• Only email entries will be accepted. Please include your full name, your story title, and your word count in your email submission.

• If your entry has not been acknowledged within three working days, please contact us as your email may have got lost in transit.

• The Book Editor reserves the right to extend the competition deadline, or cancel the competition should the entries not be up to the required standard.

Extra Tips:

The stories will be judged on the following points:

• Story flow and comprehensibility
• Use of language and imagery
• Story concept and originality
• Characterisation
• Suspense / reader engagement (how attention-grabbing is the story?)