This creative writing retreat is designed for those who have always loved writing but want to take it to the next level. Facilitated by Nelson Readers and Writers Programme Coordinator and NMIT creative writing tutor Kerry Sunderland and yoga teacher Noa Parker, it will be held at Zatori, near Collingwood in Golden Bay, from 6 – 9 April 2018. Find out more at


Be brave enough to listen to yourself.
Be bold enough to use your voice.
The best time for new beginnings is now.
Our focus
Have you always loved writing but want to take it to the next level? This creative writing retreat for beginners will help you tune in – with mind, body and heart – to the source of your creative inspiration and practise some fundamental craft skills. You will get the space and support to create a new piece of work in the form of your choice – fiction, narrative non-fiction or poetry – or polish an existing small project (up to 1,000 words) .
Kerry says:
“There is something sacred about writing for me – I feel connected to something much bigger than myself. When I’m really in the zone, I lose track of time and feel deeply fulfilled; the words pour out of me.

“This retreat is an opportunity to leave behind the familiarity of the mundane, and stretch and connect with your own body and life force, so that you can tap into a much deeper well of creative inspiration and move much faster into a ‘flow’ state when writing. It’s also a chance to put inspiration into practice and learn how to polish what you have written – in my experience, editing can be as much fun as writing and the time when magic often happens.

“The workshops will suit both beginners and those who have writing experience but want to stretch themselves and experiment with new forms. If you’ve always wanted to write a story, but haven’t known where to start, or haven’t had either the time or confidence to get the words on the page, this retreat will help you ignite your passion and keep it aflame. Who wants to get to the end of their life and say, ‘If only…’?

“It’s my goal to ensure everyone feels capable and confident to find and express their own unique voice – and by the end of the retreat – feel genuinely proud of and surprised by what they’ve accomplished.”