International Promotional Fund for Literature

Guidelines and Criteria


The objective of the International Promotional Fund for Literature is to support the international promotion of New Zealand literature. The Fund offers support to New Zealand authors for confirmed market development activities including attendance at an international literary festival, a book promotion tour overseas (not a one-off book launch), or other offshore, targeted opportunities.

The International Promotional Fund for Literature is one of the opportunities administered by the Publishers Association of New Zealand (PANZ) as part of a Contract for Services with Creative New Zealand to deliver Capability Building and International Market Development Initiatives for Literature 2015 – 2018.


Creative New Zealand is offering a maximum grant of 3,000 NZD (excl. GST) per author towards return economy airfares to attend an international promotional activity. Priority will be given to applications that demonstrate alignment with Creative New Zealand’s other international market development activities (see Priorities).

Deadlines for applications

  • 5pm, 28 February
  • 5pm, 29 June
  • 5pm, 26 October

We welcome new applications three times  a year. Applicants will be notified of the results of their application within four weeks of the closing date.

How to Apply

Complete the application form by the deadline and return to:

Katherine Shanks, Membership Services Manager,

Who Can Apply

Applications can be submitted by New Zealand authors, or by international literary festivals or international publishers on behalf of New Zealand authors.

To be eligible for this funding:

  • The author must be a New Zealand citizen or permanent resident; or overseas-based New Zealand author only if the project directly benefits New Zealand literature.
  • The applicant cannot be a Creative New Zealand staff member or a member of the Creative New Zealand Arts Council.

Creative New Zealand cannot fund you, or key members of your team, if you:

  • are more than 16 weeks overdue with a report for a previous grant or investment.
  • are in breach of the conditions of a current funding agreement.
  • were in ‘default’ of a funding agreement and sent in a late report in the six months prior to the closing date for a new application.

Note: the activity for which you are seeking funding cannot have received funding from any other Creative New Zealand programme or initiative, including the Creative Communities Scheme, international and capability building initiatives and investment programmes. However, this does not apply to travel requests for an author to attend an international promotional activity whose work has been translated by an overseas publisher with the assistance of the Translation Fund.

Criteria and Eligibility

To be eligible for this fund you must meet the following Creative New Zealand criteria:

  • Your project or activities must directly benefit New Zealand literature
  • You must have a track record of experience and success — this means you must have:
    • recognition from peers or experts
    • achieved a degree of critical or sales success
    • specialised training or practical experience

For a writer of literature, success means having had published at least one work that received a degree of critical or sales success in the literature genre for which the writer is applying. This does not include work created as part of a course of study.

Please note that Creative New Zealand’s definition of literature applies.


Proposal requirements

Your proposal must:

  • identify the objectives for the project
  • outline the long terms benefits of the opportunity for the author including alignment with the author’s or publisher’s international strategy and the potential to leverage from other projects
  • include a copy of the author’s CV
  • include a project budget – breakdown of income and expenditure including expenses covered by the international host (festival, publisher etc), fundraising, personal contribution etc, and a quote from a travel agent or internet site
  • include written confirmation of the author’s availability for the prescribed dates of the festival, tour etc
  • include a letter of invitation to the author from the festival, publisher, agent etc., and outline of role in the festival programme.


Priority will be given to applications that demonstrate alignment with Creative New Zealand’s other international market development activities, including that:

  • The opportunity relates to the publisher’s participation in international book fairs specifically, Germany and Asia.
  • The author’s work is available for sale within the territory they are visiting.
  • The author’s work has recently been published in a foreign territory with support from The Translation Fund.
  • The author has received an invitation as a result of Creative New Zealand’s Te Manu Ka Tau international visitors’ programme.
  • The festival features three or more New Zealand writers within a programme

Please note that professional development opportunities are not eligible under this Fund and this includes conferences. For enquiries regarding other funding for literature projects please contact