True (Publishing) Stories

TRUE (PUBLISHING) STORIES, NZSA Wellington Branch, 26 Feb 2018

Join NZ Society of Authors Wellington Branch for our first meeting for 2018, in our fabulous new Vic Books Pipitea venue, for True (Publishing) Stories: Wellington writers telling short, sharp, true stories of their paths to publication.

Hear from a range of authors (aka most of our Committee members) about how they got published. There’ll be time for questions.

NEW VENUE! Vic Books, Pipitea campus (Rutherford House, right near the railway and bus station)

When: Cash bar from 7pm, branch meeting and panel talk from 7.30pm

Everyone welcome! Koha at the door: $3 NZSA members, $5 non-members.

Details and updates on our Facebook page.

Contact with any enquiries.

Our thanks to Vic Books for their generous support.