Invitation to announcement of winner for the Michael Gifkins Prize for an unpublished novel

Invitation to announcement of winner for the Michael Gifkins Prize for an unpublished novel

4pm to 5pm, Sat 19 May
Air New Zealand Foyer
Level 5, Aotea Centre

Wise and generous writer, agent and stalwart supporter of New Zealand Literature, Michael Gifkins is the inspiration behind a new literary prize established in his name, funded by partner Ann Hatherly, son Andre Gifkins and Text Publishing, and administered by the New Zealand Society of Authors.

The prize, for an unpublished novel by a New Zealand writer, includes a life-changing publishing contract and a $10,000 advancel. From 180 submitted manuscripts a winner has been chosen and will be announced at this special event. All welcome.

The New Zealand Society of Authors and Text Publishing will announce the winner at this event, as part of the Auckland Writers and Readers Festival.

Text Publishing’s Michael Heyward, along with the two other judges, Lloyd Jones and Patricia Grace, will be there to announce the winner. All are welcome to this free public event. More