From Inspiration To Publication – Fiction Writing Crash Course

Where:Whangarei Central Library5 Rust Avenue, Whangarei

Restrictions:All Ages

Ticket Information:

  • Fee for workshop: $35.00
  • Buy Tickets – 0212990984
  • Additional fees may apply

Listed by:michaelbotur9y3

From Inspiration To Publication – Fiction Writing Crash Course.

Delivered by: writer Michael Botur
May Bain Room

At Whangarei Central Library on Saturday June 30 Northland indie author Michael Botur will be delivering a down-to-earth workshop on fiction writing.

The four-hour workshop looks at how to get fiction writing completed and self-published, in particular looking at the workflow required to get a story polished on the page so authors can be confident publishing the work in a literary magazine or online.

The workshop covers voice, character, prose and editing, but Botur said the bigger theme of the day is understanding that words on the page are just the start, and reaching an audience these days is about capturing inspiration, checking that the words are good enough to publish, then sharing it with the world online.

“Things move so quickly in the writing world that publication options which made sense ten years ago may not be relevant anymore in 2018 – however, the fundamentals of how to get difficult pieces of writing completed remain the same. So I’ll be offering realistic advice about how to make the most of those hours in front of the computer screen.”

“We’ll also look at the workflow required to get a piece of writing to perfection, then get it read by an audience online.”

Whangarei-based Botur is author of several acclaimed short story collections and young adult novel, Moneyland, which has gained a cult following on the world’s largest publishing platform for teenagers, Wattpad – a site which has 65 million unique visitors per month. Botur said he recently blogged about how writers can have too much dependence on literary editors, whereas it is more rewarding to go online and put writing straight in the hands of the audience.

The workshop will include a brief introduction to Medium, Smashwords, Createspace, Wattpad, Bookfunnel, Goodreads and other online self-publishing and promotion platforms.

Registration is essential – please RSVP to
Cost is $35 for the day – RSVP by email and Mike will invoice you.

Mike will contact you to ask for details about your level of writing experience, and give you some feedback on your writing to focus on for the day.

Check out Mike’s gallery of writing and publication at