Timeless Wisdom International Writing Challenge

Entries are now open for the 2018 Timeless Wisdom International Writing Challenge.

This competition brings together writers aged 60 and over from around the world, with a focus on non-fiction short stories which share some of the wisdom that can only be acquired through age.

Selected entries will be collated into up to four books according to the themes below, and published in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand by Exisle Publishing, an established mainstream publishing house with over 25 years of publishing experience.

This is a fantastic opportunity for both new and practiced writers to share a powerful message with thousands of readers, see your name in print, and contribute to a beautifully produced book that your friends and family will treasure.


Each story should be non-fiction and related to one of the themes below, interpreted in your own way:

  • Fear and Courage
  • Struggle and Success
  • Love and Loss
  • Human Kindness


Our team of editors cannot wait to read your story! Please read the below criteria carefully before submitting your entry.

  • Open to writers from around the world
  • Your story must be factual, and related to one of the above themes
  • While this competition is primarily for writers aged 60 and over, we will accept special entries from younger writers who have a factual story that they feel fits the purpose of the competition, for example a story about a parent or grandparent. If making a special entry as a younger writer, please specify this in your submission
  • Your story must be 1000-1500 words
  • Use 1.5 spacing and 12+ size font in Times New Roman or Arial, and send your story in a Word document to ensure we can open it and read with ease
  • Only digital entries submitted as described below will be accepted – please do NOT post a printed entry to us
  • There is no entry fee
  • Entries Close September 28 2018.

How to Get Your Entry In

Please email your entry in a Word document to timeless@exislepublishing.com, and include all the following exactly as described (failure to do so may result in your submission being lost or deleted):

  • Subject: Timeless wisdom submission
  • Your full name
  • Your postal address (selected entries will receive two free copies of the resulting publishing book)
  • Which category best fits your story? (Choose ONE of: Fear and Courage | Struggle and Success | Love and Loss | Human Kindness)
  • Are your over 60, or a younger writer making a special entry?
  • The title of your story
  • Is this story original, unpublished work for which you own exclusive copyright? If not, please provide more detail.

We will securely store your email address and use it to keep you up to date about the competition and to contact the winners – if you decide you want to stop hearing from us or for us to delete your data, we will happily do so. By submitting your story you agree to the terms and conditions below.

