NZSA Canterbury Heritage Book and Writing Awards 2018

NZSA Canterbury Heritage Book and Writing Awards 2018


Judge: Fiona Farrell

Short list:

Harvest by Christine Carrell (Nugget Stream Press 2017)

The Life of De’Ath by Majella Cullinane (Steele Roberts Publishers, 2018)

Finding by David Hill (Puffin 2018)

This Mortal Boy by Fiona Kidman(Vintage Penguin Random House 2018)

The Annotated Tree Worship: List of Topoi/ Draft Research Portfolio by Jack Ross (Paper Table 2017)

Gone to Pegasus by Tess Redgrave (Submarine Press 2018)


Nonfiction Book

Judge : Tom Brooking

Short List

Chris Brickell, Teenagers and the Rise of Youth Culture in New Zealand Auckland University Press, 2017. 382 pp

Helen Brown and Tarekei Norton, eds. T?ng?ta Ng?i Tahu: People of Ng?i Tahu. Volume One. Te R?nanga o Ng?i Tahu/Bridget Williams Books, Wellington/Christchurch, 2017. 352pp

Chris Bourke, Good-Bye Maoriland” The Songs and Sounds of New Zealand’s Great War. Auckland University Press, 2017, 294p

Barbara Else, Go Girl. A Storybook of Epic New Zealand Women. Puffin, Auckland, 2017

Catherine Knight, Beyond Manapouri: 50 Years of Environmental Politics in New Zealand, Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, 2018, 272 pp.

John Newton, Hard Frost: Structures of Feeling in New Zealand Literature 1908-1945, Victoria University Press, Wellington, 2017. 368p

Lachy Paterson and Angela Wanhalla, He Reo W?hine: M?ori Women’s Voices from the Nineteenth Century, Auckland University Press, 2017, 372pp

Grey Ryan and Geoff Watson, Sport and the New Zealanders: A History, Auckland University Press, 2018. 390 pp.

Ann Salmond, Tears of Rangi: Experiments Across Worlds, Auckland University Press, Auckland, 2017.  511 pp

John Wilson, Local Lives: A History of Addington, Addington Neighbourhood Association/Caxton, Christchurch, 2017. 320pp


Judge : Bernadette Hall

Short List

John Ewen Into the Adit

Gail Ingram Women’s March 1973

Jillian Sullivan The Snow of ’63

Isabelle McNeur:   The Skyline is Shorter Now, but its Beautiful down there

Karen Zelas Holly Road, St Albans

Vaughan Rapatahana Rangiaowhia

Rangi Faith. Charles Torlesse Encounters an Oioi

Lucy D’Aeth Fight/ Flight


Short Fiction

Judge : Owen Marshall

Short List

Linette and Montague: Caroline Barron

Dea’s Story: Susan Cambridge

Julia Cassidy:Juliana Venning

Fishing For Taniwha: Annette Edwards-Hill

Ducks and Parsnips: Dianna Duckworth

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