??????? ???????Submissions for Fresh Ink, 2019 – deadline

??????? ???????Submissions for Fresh Ink, 2019

With the success of our first anthology in 2017, Fresh Ink A Collection of Voices from Aotearoa New Zealand 2017, we are excited to again be taking submissions for the second in the series to be published in late 2019. The anthology will contain works across a range of fields and genres. We invite writers to submit entries, which can be: prose (fiction or creative non-fiction), poetry, illustrated stories or flash fiction. The submissions can be standalone works or an extract from a longer work. The maximum word limit, per story, is 4000 words, and the cost per entry is $30 (although for shorter works, such as poetry or flash fiction, you may submit up to three entries for the single submission fee).

????Submissions are open to all New Zealanders, who are either living in New Zealand or have a New Zealand passport and will close on the 23rd of December.

Please submit your entry using size 12 Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing to info@cloudink.co.nz, including your name, contact details, and accompanying submission fee of $30 to Cloud Ink Press(ASB:12-3083-0323967-00).

Fresh Ink is available at all good bookshops, or visit our Cloud Ink online shop at cloudink.co.nz/shop.