Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day

Welcome to Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day, 23 August 2019. Registrations are open.

Returning 2018 organisers: Last year was huge – let’s do it again!

To those returning after a break: Welcome back.

To the newcomers: Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day is an annual celebration of the power of poetry – in all its manifestations. Open to all ages, it is a chance to make poetry accessible, inclusive, and to showcase how extraordinary it can be. Events, activities or competitions can be large or small, from handing out free poems, making a Poet-Tree, or chalking on pavements, to larger-scale events such as workshops, readings with guest poets and book launches. At every level, Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day is a chance to make poetry soar.

Registrations and applications for seed-funding remain open until 5pm, Wednesday 22 May 2019.

Visit our website for more information on how to register and/or apply for seed-funding, how to run an event, and for general guidelines and templates here.

Or you can follow this link straight to our …

Registration Form 2019

We look forward to unleashing the power of poetry across Aotearoa and beyond on Friday, 23 August 2019.


If you have any queries, reply on a separate thread to: National Administrator | Jacqui Hammond | Otherwise we look forward to receiving your registration!