‘Any Questions?’ panel event and Wellington branch AGM

Join us for NZSA Wellington Branch’s second event of 2019, preceded by our branch AGM, on Monday 15 April at 6pm (doors and cash bar from 5.30pm).

Panel event: ANY QUESTIONS?

What would you like to know about the writing process and getting published? Bring your questions along and we’ll put them to our panelists Pip Adam and Redmer Yska.

When: Monday 18 February 2019. Doors and cash bar from 5.30pm, AGM from 6pm, panel from 6.15pm.

Where: Vic Books Pipitea, Rutherford House, 27 Lambton Quay, Wellington, near the train station.

Entry: Everyone welcome! Koha at the door: $3 NZSA members, $5 non-members.

There’ll be a cash bar available at Vic Books Pipitea from 5.30pm. The ANY QUESTIONS? panel will be preceded by our (brief!) Wellington Branch AGM for 2019, including the election of new committee members. We look forward to seeing you!

Contact wellington@nzauthors.org.nz with any enquiries, and follow us on Facebook or Twitter for regular updates.

We’re grateful, as always, to Vic Books Pipitea for their support in hosting us.