Meet NZSA 2019-21 President elect John Cranna

Auckland Branch meeting – Friday, May 3, 2019 at 6:15 PM – 9:15 PM
Level 12, Room 1211, 1 Rutland St, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010, New Zealand

John Cranna will be NZSA’s next President, once ratified at the AGM in Dunedin 15 June. At this Auckland event he’ll tell members a bit about himself and his history with NZSA. He also wants to hear from you – come prepared to discuss what you think he should know about authors and NZSA today and what you’d like to see him try to achieve in his role. A great opportunity for Auckland Branch members to get involved!

This meeting is held in the AUT Master of Creative Writing Course Centre, courtesy of AUT.