Poetry Workshop with Chris Tse

Chris Tse says, “I stumbled into poetry as a teenager, determined to spill every ounce of my angst about the world out on the page. Not much has changed, except now there’s a chance someone other than my friends will read it. The years of trial and error and working on my craft has taught me a lot about myself as a writer and a person – I can be impatient and easily distracted, but above all it’s made me realise that writing is hard work. The effort is worth it when that final word or phrase clicks into place, turning that mess of thoughts and ideas in your head into the next poem you can’t wait to share with someone else.”

Let Chris Tse help you navigate your mess of thoughts and ideas and find those sweet clicks.

Friday 10 May, 10.00am–1.00pm
Dunningham Suite, Dunedin City Library
Price: $45

More info here: